The structure of my work

Until I get to the point at which I’m being properly productive with blogging, this is the structure I’ve set up.

  • Medium: For professional (or at least polished) work. I’m holding off a bit on this initially, because my writing muscle needs some work before I’m back at that level.
  • Blogger Posthaven: For thoughts like this one. How I’m getting on with blogging.
  • Personal journal: For personal notes on blogging that I wouldn’t make here. Also for outlining and shaping articles.
  • Stream-of-consciousness journal: Simply for writing. The purpose of this one is to force myself to write anything at all to a target, such as 30 minutes or 1,000 words.

On days like today, when I can’t get going in any way that resembles quality or coherence, I’ll either whine about it in my personal journal or do a stream-of-consciousness sprint to lubricate the cogs of my brain. That way I have somewhere to be productive, whether it’s wasting time typing garbage or structuring thoughts into something publishable.

(first posted on